MyVote.WI.GovWEAC Union Recommended Candidates

Who is mti-voters?

MTI-Voters is the political action committee of MTI that seeks to identify those candidates most likely to advance policies supported by the members of MTI, policies that support MMSD staff and students, and advance the quality of public education within the District.
The MTI-Voters Committee is a representative body of MTI members, comprised of the Presidents of each MTI bargaining group, the MTI Treasurer and nine (9) others elected by MTI’s United Representatives Council. This member-comprised committee, guides MTI’s political endorsement process and advances recommended endorsements to the thousands of MTI members who contribute to MTI Voters and vote on endorsement recommendations.

Vote NO on both Wisconsin Constitutional Amendments on the August 13, 2024 ballot.

In-person absentee voting begins two weeks before Election Day. It ends the Sunday before each election. It’s important you vote early absentee, vote absentee by mail, or vote in person on August 13.

South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL) Endorsements

The MTI-Voters Committee advises voting against the two proposed Wisconsin Constitutional Amendments on the August 13, 2024 ballot. The South Central Federation of Labor and League of Women Voters of Dane County have helpful resources for voters.

Question 1: “Delegation of appropriation power. Shall section 35 (1) of article IV of the Constitution be created to provide that the legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how moneys shall be appropriated?”

We all know a good rule of thumb is whenever we read something that will change our Constitution, we simply need to find out what the ‘plain language’ interpretation is. In this case, Question 1’s Plain Language interpretation: “Should we change the constitution to allow only the legislature, not the Governor, to decide how to use federal funds given to Wisconsin?”

Question 2: “Allocation of federal moneys. Shall section 35 (2) of article IV of the constitution be created to prohibit the governor from allocating any federal moneys the governor accepts on behalf of the state without the approval of the legislature by joint resolution or as provided by legislative rule?”

The Plain Language interpretation: “Should we change the constitution to take away the authority of the Governor to decide how to use federal funds given to Wisconsin?”

These proposed changes to the Wisconsin Constitution would immediately take away the Governor’s power to decide how to spend federal money and allow only the state legislature the right to decide how to spend federal money. In an emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, deciding how to use federal money needs to happen quickly. Oftentimes, the Governor may act more quickly than the legislature. Additionally, there is over $1 billion is available to Wisconsin for infrastructure (roads, transportation, and broadband) and it must be allocated this year. The legislature adjourned in March 2024 and is not planning to meet again this year before the November elections.

Vote NO on both Wisconsin Constitutional Amendments on the August 13, 2024 ballot.

South Central Federation of Labor Endorsements

Visit the South Central Federation of Labor's website for additional candidate recommendations and endorsements.


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In-Person Absentee Voting Hours and Locations

City of Madison

In-person absentee voting begins two weeks before Election Day. It ends the Sunday before each election. State law prohibits voter registration the Saturday, Sunday, or Monday before each election.

Madison Clerk

Obtain a Voter ID

You must present Photo ID to prove who you are in order for your vote to be counted. The address on your ID does not matter for the purpose of proving your identity.

If you need an ID to vote, you can get one for free.

City of Madison