Madison Teachers Inc. (MTI) is a member driven Union consisting of Teachers, Educational Professionals, Special Education Assistants, Substitute Teachers, Supportive Educational Employees (Clerical and Technical) and School Security Assistants who are employed by the Madison Metropolitan School District.

MTI is a social justice, democratic, member led organization which advocates for our students and our members in order to advance quality public education for all.


Advocating for members, students, and our community.



Our bargaining groups

We are a member led union advocating to advance quality public education for all.


Teachers and Professional Staff

The MTI "Teacher" Group represents approximately 2,700 members including Bilingual Resource Specialists, Interpreters / Braillists, Librarians, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Science Materials Specialists, School Counselors, School Nurses and Special Needs Nurses, Social Workers, Speech and Language Clinicians, Teachers, Therapy Assistants, and Other Related Professionals.

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Educational Support Professionals

ESP-MTI represents approximately 875 Educational Assistants, Special Education Assistants, Nurse Assistants, Special Education Assistant Substitutes, Clerical Employees, Computer & AV Technicians and Programmers, Family Liaisons and Security Assistants employed by the Madison Metropolitan School District.

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United Substitutes Organization

The USO-MTI Collective Bargaining Group represents approximately 600 Substitute and Off Campus Program Teachers in the Madison Metropolitan School District.

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What membership means:

  • A voice for your profession, your students, and public education.
  • A voice in your pay, benefits, and working conditions.
  • An investment in your financial well-being.
  • Legal support.
  • Support and representation from professional staff.

JOIN Your Union

The latest news

As an MTI member, I receive the support and advocacy I need to give me peace of mind and allow me to focus on what's really important to me: my students.”

- Angela, 5th grade teacher

What Have We Done Together?